Energy-Efficient Compressed Air Dryer
An energy-efficient compressed air dryer is a system used to remove moisture from compressed air, which is essential for keeping machines and equipment running smoothly. When air is compressed, moisture can build up, leading to rust, damage, or inefficiency in your equipment. Air dryers prevent these issues and ensure optimal system performance.
Combination Dryers:
A combination dryer uses multiple technologies to remove moisture efficiently. For example, it may use both refrigerated and desiccant dryers. The refrigerated dryer cools the air to remove moisture, while the desiccant dryer absorbs remaining moisture. This combination results in better performance and energy savings.
Why Energy-Efficient Compressed Air Dryers Matter:
Industries Where These Dryers Are Used:
The hybrid technology is a further development of this principle, where both systems are integrated. As shown in the schema below. The refrigeration system supplies and cold (+3°c) compressed air to the adsorption dryer. The adsorption process shows its highest efficiency when the compressed air is cold (+3'c) and fully saturated (R.H.is100%). Since 85% of the water content has been removed by the refrigerant dryer, the adsorption dryer only needs to remove the remaining 15%, under ideal process conditions. This allows long adsorption times using an adsorption dryer of reduced size. After the adsorption process the cold dry air (-40°c pressure dew point) is led back to the air/air heat exchanger of the refrigerant dryer. Where it is reheated to 27°c.
Before entering the adsorption dryer, the cold air flows through a high-efficiency demister/water separator and through a 0.01 micron oil fine-filter. At this low filtration temperature the efficiency of the oil fine-filter is about 10 times higher than at a filtration temperature of 20°c. Before entering back into the refrigeration dryer the air is cleaned from desiccanl dust particles in a 1micron dust filter.
Filtration Details: